Find the Right Editor
Finding the correct editor for your manuscript can be tricky. Here’s some tips to help you in the process.
Word Budget can be a tricky thing to get right, especially for newer authors. But a little bit of effort can reap big rewards down the line.
Coming Full Circle
The end result is rarely the one you envisioned, but hopefully it’s the one you needed.
Rounding the Corner
This is Writing
What is it like being an author? A picture speaks a thousand words.
Broken Pens, Broken Spirits, But in the End, It’s Worth It
A brief timeline of writing, from start, to new start.
Critiquing for Fun, but not Profit
Marching Along to A Different Drum
March will have a lot of strange anniversaries.
Trying Different Things
Try, Try Again…
Ten Months or Ten Years
How do you prepare for a journey, when you don’t yet know the destination?
It’s Hard to be the Blog
In Celebration of Life
Celebrating the time we had instead of mourning the time we lost.
I Was Born in a Small Town
John Cougar, Johnny Mellencamp, Cougar Mellen, you know the guy…
For the Love of the Game
It’s D&D! Roll for Initiative…
Caught in the Web
No Doubt really called it…
Don’t Stop Smelling The Chickens
Have you ever been to Delaware?
I’m The Kind of Guy That Laughs at a Funeral…
Take Time to Notice the Ants
It’s easy to miss the little things in life.
Wait, you’re an author?
Yeah, I ask myself the same question.